
Providence is defined as the wisdom, care and guidance provided by God.  George Washington was a big believer in Providence when it came to many things, including the forming of the United States of America.  President Washington himself narrowly escaped death several times before he became the Commander In Chief.  Indeed, the 13 Colonies suffered through many lost battles during the Revolutionary War while we were facing the best army and navy on the planet at that time.  Still, we prevailed with God’s help.

It seems that God has provided much Providence over the last century as well.  He guided us to victory in both world wars and in the Cold War against Communism.  More recently, the good Lord has kept America safe by preventing terror attacks from working.  The averted shoe bombing, underwear bombing, Times Square bombings and bombing in Washington, D.C. are ample proof of Divine Intervention.  So are the stories we frequently hear about terrorists who have contacted undercover policemen that they thought were ammunition or explosive suppliers. 

The Bible verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 states: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  It is time for us to do so as America has been in a downward spiral for many years.  This does not just mean that we should turn from our own sins but we should also shun the bad influences we are bombarded with by society. 

There are things on radio, television and in movies now that were banned for decades.  They have become so commonplace that people pay little attention to them now.  Such bad influences are just ingrained in society.  The next time you are listening to or watching something, ask yourself if you would want your children to be exposed to such a thing.  If the answer is no, it is probably not good for your soul either. 

It is obvious that God has his hand in the future of this country.  We are constantly being blessed.  We should be singing His praises for such things.  The next time you pray, thank God for all he has done for this country and ask him to continue watching out for America.
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